Holiday Giving
Every holiday season we donate 20-30% of all online purchases to a not-for-profit doing meaningful work in Hawaii. Our giving over the past ten years focuses on local Hawaii organizations. These organizations have long-standing investment and strong reputations in their communities and focus areas.
Past organizations include:
2024 - American Red Cross. 20% of each purchase donated to the Red Cross in your state. Donations distributed to 30 states. Giving back after all the aloha shown to our community after the Lahaina fire.
2023 - Maui Strong - Hawaii Community Foundation
2022 - Pu’uhonua O Waianae
2021 - Na Kama Kai
2020 - Gift the giving. 30% given off orders to direct to a charity of your choice
2019 - Ho'ola Na Pua
2018 - Institute for Human Services
2017 - Hawaii Nature Conservancy (Coral Reef Conservation)
2016 - Hawaii Children's Discovery Center
2015 - Institute for Human Services
2014 - Make A Wish Hawaii
2013 - HUGS Hawaii
2012 - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hawaii
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In addition to our holiday giving we support the Waikiki Aquarium and the Family Business Center of Hawaii Distinguished Professorship through University of Hawaii. We also support dozens of Hawaii non-profits through in-kind art and jewelry donations.
Leighton created a bracelet with the Amina Collection in 2016. Every year since, in partnership with the Amina Collection (Kahiko gift shops), we donate to the Waikiki Aquarium as part of the Save the Honu project.

2023 Art for Maui + jewelry profit donation to Maui Strong following the Lahaina Fires.

2021 donation to Na Kama Kai

2019 donation to Hoola Na Pua

2016 donation to the Hawaii Children's Discover Center

2014 donation to Make A Wish Hawaii